about a year ago, rachel and i sold most of what we had, i quit my job (i say i retired), picked up the kids and moved to talladega, al.(rachels hometown). to many, it seemed sudden and unexpected. in fact, it was well planned, executed almost to perfection and we have not regretted a single thing.
rewind: summer 2011-
"Well yeah. I was just sitting here, eating my muffin,
drinking my coffee, when I had what alcoholics
refer to as a moment of clarity." -Jules Winnfield
rachel always wanted to live back home in talladega. so that was the only place up for discussion. there is not much for me to do in dega as far as work goes so we decided that she would work and i would stay at home. we worked out a budget that allowed for this and found it to be attainable. (i have found that living with no tv in the house is not as hard as i thought)
things were put into motion and started to happen faster than expected. rachel quickly landed a great job at the hellen keller school, the kids got in great schools, we sold the house, i quit my job and went hiking for a month.

we are now live very close to her family and help out on her dad's farm with the horses, cows, goats, hogs, chickens, ducks, guineas and large garden. in the growing season, i sell produce at the local farmers market.
don't get me wrong, i loved my old job but it was time for me to move on. i do a small amount of consulting for technology group in augusta, ga but i have sooo much less stress now.
so, if you try to call me and i don't answer, it is likely that i am either our hunting, hiking, on the tractor, or taking a nap... leave a message, i might even call you back the same day.
did you know that bacon has been around since the chinese started preserving pig bellies with salt in the 1500s?